check on meの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7
  1. They called constantly to check on me, " he said.
  2. That's when Daniel came running in to check on me.
  3. We can hire someone to drop by every day to check on me.
  4. My business partners in Saudi Arabia phoned me up to check on me.
  5. An admin can do an IP check on me.


  1. "check off"の例文
  2. "check on"の例文
  3. "check on cadres"の例文
  4. "check on ground"の例文
  5. "check on it"の例文
  6. "check on the quality"の例文
  7. "check on work attendance"の例文
  8. "check one by one"の例文
  9. "check oneself"の例文
  10. "check online"の例文
  11. "check on ground"の例文
  12. "check on it"の例文
  13. "check on the quality"の例文
  14. "check on work attendance"の例文

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